Sunday, May 29, 2011

"A well regulated militia..."

I just got the kids back to their mom's after another exciting, fun and exhausting Fort Meigs siege weekend. The persistent rain this week/spring, and the occasional "leaden" sky seemed to keep the number of on lookers down, but still the event and attendees soldiered on! Another quality event! The kids militia as always is a huge hit with my son, Lawson (7), and he has the amazing ability for finding a buddy everywhere he goes. Lawson and his buddy fell in, were equipped, learned the rudiments of 19th c. drill, fought a mock battle and were musterd out all in about 40 minutes! This says volumes about the volunteers of Fort Meigs and their ability to "herd cats". Well done folks! Sadly, I was talking with fort staff more about clothing and stitching than paying attention but here is a shot of Lawson (loading)and his buddy. The fort provides the kids with a stand of arms for this activity. It is amazing to see how quickly the kids fall into line, take orders and execute commands with some alacrity. Hats off to the public schools for training them in linear order and voice command ("alright kids line up for lunch, recess, to go down the hall", etc) American militia training and performance would have been vastly improved in the war of 1812 with a levee of elementary school aides!

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